What is Muscle Balance Therapy?

Jesse Cannone, of the Healthy Back Institute, explains it this way:

Muscle balance therapy an innovative approach to eliminating back pain once and for all, starting with a careful yet simple assessment of all the muscles that affect the stability of your hips, pelvis, and spine - from both a strength and a flexibility perspective.

We use both physical and visual assessments to insure accuracy. In other words, the physical should confirm the visual, and the visual should confirm the physical. In the absence of these assessments, any exercise you might try is going to put you at risk of strengthening a muscle that does not need to be strengthened, which can make your condition worse. The same is true for stretching - if you stretch a muscle that does not need to be stretched, you could be doing more harm than good.

How Muscle Balance Therapy Works

Again, Jesse Cannone:

"The Muscle Balance Therapy™ approach uses the results of your assessments to design an individually targeted program of corrective exercises to help take the stress off your muscles, joints, and ligaments so you can achieve a more balanced body and eliminate the cause of your pain.

In a sense, what Muscle balance therapy is asking you to do is a very "unbalanced workout" to get your body back into proper balance. Once your muscles are more balanced and you're feeling better, you will be able to return to your workplace or to your favorite activity with the confidence and security that you need to live a full and productive life.”

You may be able to relieve your lower back pain, right side, temporarily with drugs and other treatments, but the underlying problem is still going to be there. This is why it is necessary that you identify and treat your muscle imbalances.  If you do, you will most likely eliminate your lower back pain, right side, for good.